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Stephen: This, below, is a media release from Kevin Annett's International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) organisation. The ITCCS's mandate is as follows:
1. To bring to trial those persons and institutions responsible for the exploitation, torture and murder of children, past and present, and
1. 为仲裁某些人士与组织在过去和现在从事儿童贩卖、凌虐、谋杀等罪行
2. To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state.
2. 制止诸如此类由教会与政府造成的罪行
I cannot vouch as to whether the contents of this media release are true – or simple wishful thinking – but I've posted it here as another possible reason for the Pope's historic decision to resign.
我不能保证这则新闻稿内容是否真实 - 还是一厢情愿的想法 - 不过我发布在这里,当作教宗历史性辞职的另一项可能原因。
Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter
By ITCCS, itccs.org - February 13, 2013http://itccs.org/
Diplomatic Note was issued to Vatican just prior to his resignation
New Pope and Catholic clergy face indictment and arrest as "Easter Reclamation" plan continues
A Global Media Release and Statement from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
The historically unprecedented resignation of Joseph Ratzinger as Pope this week was compelled by an upcoming action by a European government to issue an arrest warrant against Ratzinger and a public lien against Vatican property and assets by Easter.
The ITCCS Central Office in Brussels is compelled by Pope Benedict's sudden abdication to disclose the following details:
1. On Friday, February 1, 2013, on the basis of evidence supplied by our affiliated Common Law Court of Justice (itccs.org), our Office concluded an agreement with representatives of a European nation and its courts to secure an arrest warrant against Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict, for crimes against humanity and ordering a criminal conspiracy.
1. 2013年2月1日星期五,在我们附属的公共法庭(itccs.org)提供的罪证下,我们的总部与欧盟一个国家代表们签署协议,由该国法院发出针对约瑟夫·拉青格的拘捕令,也就是教宗本笃十六世,涉及危害人类罪及犯罪唆使。
2. This arrest warrant was to be delivered to the office of the "Holy See" in Rome on Friday, February 15, 2013. It allowed the nation in question to detain Ratzinger as a suspect in a crime if he entered its sovereign territory.
2. 该拘捕令将於2013年2月15星期五在罗马"教廷"的办公室生效执行。它允许该国扣押拉青格做为犯罪嫌疑人审讯,如果他踏入该国领土主权范围。
3. A diplomatic note was issued by the said nation's government to the Vatican's Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, on Monday, February 4, 2013, informing Bertone of the impending arrest warrant and inviting his office to comply. No reply to this note was received from Cardinal Bertone or his office; but six days later, Pope Benedict resigned.
3. 在2013年2月4日星期一,该国政府已发出一份外交照会,通知梵蒂冈国务卿-贝托尼枢机主教,告知即将来的拘捕令,请求他的官方单位服从。枢机主教贝托尼或他的官方单位收到这份通知后并没有回覆,但六天后教宗本笃十六世辞职。
4. The agreement between our Tribunal and the said nation included a second provision to issue a commercial lien through that nation's courts against the property and wealth of the Roman Catholic church commencing on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013. This lien was to be accompanied by a public and global "Easter Reclamation Campaign" whereby Catholic church property was to be occupied and claimed by citizens as public assets forfeited under international law and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
4. 我们的法庭和该国间的协议包括一项附加条款,履行该国法院在2013年3月31日复活节星期日针对罗马教廷的资产进行商事查封。这项执行查封已随著公开并全球性的"复活节重生运动"发起,根据国际法与国际刑事法庭的"罗马律法",教廷的资产经由公民声明成为公共资产而没收。
5. It is the decision of our Tribunal and the said nation's government to proceed with the arrest of Joseph Ratzinger upon his vacating the office of the Roman Pontiff on a charge of crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.
5. 我们法庭和该国政府决定执行约瑟夫·拉青格的逮捕,是根据他刚辞去教宗职务被控危害人类罪与刑事共犯。
6. It is our further decision to proceed as well with the indictment and arrest of Joseph Ratzinger's successor as Pope on the same charges; and to enforce the commercial lien and "Easter Reclamation Campaign" against the Roman Catholic church, as planned. In closing, our Tribunal acknowledges that Pope Benedict's complicity in criminal activities of the Vatican Bank (IOR) was compelling his eventual dismissal by the highest officials of the Vatican. But according to our sources, Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone forced Joseph Ratzinger's resignation immediately, and in direct response to the diplomatic note concerning the arrest warrant that was issued to him by the said nation's government on February 4, 2013.
6. 我们进一步决定,同样的约瑟夫·拉青格的教宗继任者,以相同的罪名起诉和逮捕;并对教廷强制执行商事查封以及"复活节重生运动",依计划行事。最后,我们的法庭确认,教宗本笃十六世在梵蒂冈银行(IOR)的犯罪活动已迫使他最终被梵蒂冈高层免职。且根据我们的消息来源,是国务卿-贝托尼迫使约瑟夫·拉青格辞职,直接了当的回应这份外交照会上2013年2月4日该国政府发出的拘捕令。
We call upon all citizens and governments to assist our efforts to legally and directly disestablish the Vatican, Inc. and arrest its chief officers and clergy who are complicit in crimes against humanity and the ongoing criminal conspiracy to aid and protect child torture and trafficking.
Further bulletins on the events of the Easter Reclamation Campaign will be issued by our Office this week.
Issued 13 February, 201312:00 am GMT
by the Brussels Central Office
2013年2月13日12:00 am GMT 从布鲁塞尔总部发出
ITCCS Says: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest
Posted by Stephen Cook on February 14, 2013








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